I don't know about you, but I am EXTREMELY hard on my clothes/accessories. When I find something I love I wear it to no end, which means there is a 11o% chance it will get dirty. I am also a big fan of wearing things that are white(YIKES) which means protecting my clothes became a necessity. This is when I had a EUREKA and started scotch-guarding my precious gems! Purses! Coats! Dresses! Boots! You name it-you can scotch gard it!! You can pick up your own little miracle bottle at pretty much any general store, it will run you no more than $10 and you can get tons of use out of it!
A few tips I have learned over the years: *do a patch test first. sometimes the chemicals can eat away at certain fabrics. *ALWAYS spray outside, but be weary of which way the wind is blowing. I learned the hard way:( *i recommend 2 applications, but make sure the first is COMPLETELY dry before you go for the second one. *i also recommend you "maintenance" your gem about every 5 or 6 wears or in between dry cleaning:) this will keep it sparkling clean!
I hope you enjoyed this tip!!! Now if any of you work for 3M get @ me for a sponsorship!!!
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