Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tall Ships BayBaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!

The Tall Ship Festival is coming to Cleveland!!!! I need to go it looks sooooo cool! You can check out all the info HERE

I like to imagine myself like the swashbuckling-tushy kicking pirate babe below.

But in reality I look more like this cartoony one instead...with a pink cape of course:)

Baseball Time!!!

Last week my wizzy sis, her bf, my wolf and I went to go see the Cleveland Indian's play. And man, did we see the game in STYLE! Our seats were located in the dug out and full of free drinks and snacks. Whenever the 4 of us go out, it's the best.time.ever. xoxoxox

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It's that time again! Lt and I are BACK for our monthly THROW BACK DANCE JAMMER!! Make sure to come out and shake that a$$!! Party starts @ 10 and I'll be there around midnight! DO IT DO IT DOOOOO IT!!! Also, friend us on the book HERE


The wonderfully creative people @ CLEVELAND PUBLIC ART have hired me on to DJ their BE A NOMAD event. They will be throwing an event to showcase FOOD CARTS! So rad!! Come check it out, I'll be in the party dress eating tons of DIM AND DEN SUMS snacks and making you shake your booty!! Starts @ 5:30pm this Thursday June 10th so don't be late!!! (I COULDN'T GET THE IMAGE TO LOAD BUT YOU CAN CHECK IT OUT HERE)